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bcn empresas

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Evolucionem amb relats

Evolucionem amb relats

La teva empresa, els teus productes i serveis tenen un relat. A BCN Content Factory, t’ajudem a explicar-ho perquè tothom et conegui. Evolucionem explicant hi...

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Vídeos per l’Obra Social “…

Vídeos per l’Obra Social “la Caixa»

BCN Content Factory ha realitzat dos reportatges audiovisuals i també per a premsa i revistes sobre els programes Incorpora i Reincorpora de l’Obra Social “la Caixa...

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Continguts per empreses

Continguts per empreses

Hem realitzat pel Grup Indukern dos reportatges audiovisuals, fotogràfics i per a premsa, per presentar la nova Divisió d’Alimentació de la companyia. També hem fet...

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bcn medios

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Delegació a Barcelona de …

Delegació a Barcelona de, diari digital d’informació econòmica i opinió, busca dia a dia fer a la xarxa un periodisme professional i interactiu. Cerca més la qua...

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ABC, suplements i publica…

ABC, suplements i publicacions

Elaborem suplements i edicions especials per encàrrec per a mitjans nacionals , regionals i locals amb continguts íntegrament periodístics . També editem llibres, r...

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Premi nacional de l’AEEPP

Premi nacional de l’AEEPP

Després de la transformació realitzada, El Llobregat obté el premi a la millor publicació gratuïta atorgat per l’Associació Espanyola d’Editorials de Pub...

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bcn editorial

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Anuari 2024 Next Llobrega…

Parlen els protagonistes del futur metropolità a l’Anuari 2024 Next Llobregat Mitjançant mig centenar d’entrevistes a joves líders en les sev...

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Anuari 2023 Next Llobrega…

Anuari 2023 Next Llobregat

La batalla del Baix Els alcaldes i alcaldesses i els caps de l’oposició dels municipis del Baix Llobregat fan balanç del mandat i avancen les seves propostes elec...

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La oferta gastronómica y …

La oferta gastronómica y turística al sur de Barcelona en la publicación Estiu al Baix 2022 Next Llobregat

Con el sugerente titular de “BenvinGUST!”, BCN Content Factory edita con La Vanguardia la guía periodística más completa de kilómetro 0 para gozar este verano de la ...

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bcn formación

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Cicle d’Infraestructures

Cicle d’Infraestructures

La Fundació Cercle d’Infraestructures i BCN Content Factory organitzen el Cicle Desenvolupament Econòmic al Baix Llobregat i L’Hospitalet. El factor de les infraest...

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Curs d’infraestructures

Curs d’infraestructures

La Universitat Blanquerna ha engegat un programa universitari adreçat a les persones que vulguin gestionar i produir continguts en el camp de l’ordenació del territ...

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Tallers per a tothom

Tallers per a tothom

  Oferim tallers teòrics-pràctics per associacions, entitats i centres educatius sobre les millors pràctiques de les eines de comunicació. L’objectiu és ...

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bcn media lab

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Informes científics

En aquesta divisió es realitzen informes i estudis per encàrrec sobre qualsevol aspecte del periodisme a Catalunya i la resta d’Espanya. També assessorem i fem estud...

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Laboratori d’investigació

Laboratori d’investigació

BCN Media Lab és un laboratori d’investigació que busca la innovació en diferents multiplataformes des de la pràctica i l’acadèmia. Som especialistes en...

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Formació de Portaveus

Formació de Portaveus

No tothom té l’eloqüència de Felipe González o Tony Blair. Els directius empresarials, d’organitzacions i institucions han d’entrenar per saber re...

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Audiences look for good, real and well-told stories

We are your journalistic content factory in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


What is the real investment from the Ministry of Foment in Catalonia?


BBVA Bank wants to get the leadership in Catalonia currently run by CaixaBank.

Solidarity against AIDS

Seventh anniversary of the AIDS Gala 2016 directed by Miguel Bosé


The Catalan Generalitat has had to rescue the ski stations that have a deficit.

Sun Driving Classic

This company rents only classic cars. The report concerns the models and users of these services


An argument against the Catalan secessionist process


After 13 years of success, Bela and Juanma compete with other couples


Ramón and Manolo, acted in the town they met the 2-O


They consider that life means road and blanket


There are more than 3.000 people without a place to sleep in Barcelona.


The rise on the consumer cooperatives


¿how does a person that can’t hear nor see perceive the world?


The program re-enterprise saves viable business with the relay of entrepreneurs.

100 Bryan’s brothers victories

The Bryan twins, the best tennis couple in history, beating records

Catalan independence

¿Which are the plans of secessionism? ¿What is going to happen after June 2017?

La Monumental's conversion

Neither bullring nor mosque: a shopping center and a hotel.

Unknown Gaudí

The unknown masterpieces of the whole work of Antoni Gaudí

Barcelona Luxury capital

Being a first level touristic destination makes the luxury brands feel attracted by Barcelona.

Barcelona equestrian

Barcelona becomes the equestrian capital 

Cooking schools

Gastronomy is causing furor and there are emerging loads of opportunities concerning its training

The pistachio invasion

They have arrived to Barcelona as an alternative to the virgin olive oil


The restaurant offer of the city of Barcelona is one of the most brilliant ones

The Spanish Kings and Catalonia

The Spanish Kings commitment to Catalonia is unwavering

“Devils” and “castellers”

The castellers and the devils are both symbolic features of the Catalan culture

The Pujol family

Police investigates the fortune of Catalan ex-premier Pujol and his family

The Catalan Star

La Caixa is reinventing and has reinforced its Spanish characteristics.

Dying of success

The locals of the city of Barcelona have rebelled against mass tourism

Common history

Report series about the Spanish feeling of Catalonia through history

The Nile is getting bigger

Jartum: the White Nile of Uganda and the Blue Nile of Ethiopia have unified. The father of all rivers has been born

The Iraqi Kurdistan

The war on Isis reveals the de facto the independence from the Iraqi Kurdistan

The Turkish Kurdistan

Turkish Kurdistan save inside its borders wonders still little known to tourists


The Barcelona operatic Coliseum starts a new stage

Humanism and Company

Humanism as a directive decision: wisdom- efficiency- happiness

Lonely Porcupine

Schopenhauer's parable illustrates the tension between individuality and society.

The Motivation myth

A Hindu classic, the Bhagavad Gita helps us getting free from the obsession with motivation

Poetry as self-help

Why doesn’t poetry say anything to the occidentals in this sad XXIst century?

Bikaner, country of pirates

Indian paradoxes, thousands of rats are treated like gods in the temple of Bikaner

The secret life of Shakira and Pique in Barcelona

Shakira, Gerard Piqué and their children maintain a shield on their private life in Barcelona.


The best products of Barcelona discovered on the Gastronomic Forum 2016

The Andorran Paradise

Andorra is ending with its tradition of being a tax heaven and it is shown in the Pujol corruption case

Inditex in Catalonia

The Galician company has turned out to be a very recruiting company.

Bulli Foundation

The project of Ferran Adria in cala Montjoi keeps on running

The Vatican of the Sikhs

The Golden Temple of Amritsar, the glory of the fiery Sikhs

30 years of Seat Ibiza

The model that served the Spanish brand to internationalize takes 5 generations

Portaventura is being renewed

The theme park has managed to reinvent itself to remain the most visited in Spain.


This year marks 42 years since the opening of the Theatre-Museum in Figueres of Salvador Dalí.


The best footballer factory  of the world in the eye of the hurricane


Feature concerning this year’s previsions

The most copied Masia

Countries on five continents emulate the model of players-training of Football Club Barcelona.

Sagrada Família

Benedict XVI finally consecrated as a basilica the Sagrada Família in presence of the Kings of Spain



Catalonia is one of the main drivers of the Spanish economy, concentrating over 18% of national GDP. We follow the leading companies in all sectors, and the financial and institutional.

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We have created a laboratory on innovation of proximity journalism.

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We train spokespersons. We have our own system of Media Training

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We organize the contents of seminars, summer courses, graduate degrees and postgraduate.

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