The new journalistic contents agency embraces the Barcelona Brand to offer a wide range of services at a national and international level
¡Enjoynalism! With this neologism, that fuses enjoying with journalism, BCN Content Factory was officially presented yesterday as a journalistic contents agency in an event that was held in the city of Sant Boi, where its headquarter is placed. Local spirit of the proximity journalism, close but challenging and with global objectives. BCN Content Factory embraces the Barcelona brand to export contents to a national and international level. “We are Mediterranean and we have European mentality. We are passionate about perfection and are amused by technology. All we do tries to be conveyed to the audience as sensations and knowledge” explained Juan Carlos Valero, the director.
Diverse market audiences like the English-speaking countries or the constant growing Chinese market. In fact, as it was shown in the presentation, the website of the agency: is now available in Spanish, English and Chinese. In this sense, the team of the reportages agency announced that it will sooner be also in French, Russian, and German.
“No boundaries”, said Valero in the presentation event to which half-hundred of people of the communication world and big enterprises like SEAT or Abertis assisted, among other assistants like the foundation of the Mobile World Capital Barcelona or the Consorci of the Zona Franca of Barcelona. Because Journalism, with capital letters, is the main character of BCN Content Factory. The reports and interviews are the two main genres in which the company bases its work, and as the whole team is formed by journalists (juniors and seniors), this two genres have become the main tool through which we offer contents to the media of the rest of Spain and the whole world. Moreover, in BCN Content Factory we have created, costumer-made, other genres of text as speeches, specialized reports, research, dossiers, press releases, catalogs, or even opinion pieces, among others.
Words are the axis from Barcelona to the world and through the basis of the collaborative economy, a concept that has become a life philosophy and that is called to be the future por social and business enterpreneurs. But further from this love to journalism, BCN Content Factory has found the perfect equilibrium between the traditional and the modern trends, with a clear bet on new technologies and the multidisciplinary journalism.
The contents offered by BCN Content Fcatory are also spread through a wide range of blogs like BCN Fashion Place for the last fashion trends and diary of the life of celebrities; BCN polisportive where the daily life of all sportive competitions is followed, with special focus on the actuality of FCB; BCN Gastronomy that follows the last kitchen trends; BCN Open Economy that follows in depth the publications of the digital economic newspaper and last, but not least, BCN Expected Words, where all the opinion articles written by the director of the company, Juan Carlos Valero, are compiled. Moreover, as an example of this collaborative economy, BCN Content Factory is associated with two digital magazines: ‘Not only Cinema’ written by José López and ‘Active Beauty’ driven by the journalists Àngels Marín and Elisabet Parra.
To all this wide variety of contents, BCN Content Factory sums a big quantity of new services related to the communication world: being the subsidiary in Barcelona for some media, Journalistic training and spokesperson training, photography services or Media assessor in the combination of online and offline platforms. These are just some examples of the big project that we are launching. ¡Long life to Journalism understood as enjoynalism!