Celebrity and fashion chronicles

The BCN Content factory Team is integrated by junior and senior journalists that actively follow the informative actuality of Barcelona ant Catalonia. We count on reliable paparazzi that get each and every needed picture of the national celebrities, cultural and politic reporters, and sport sports and socio-economic chroniclers.

We offer journalistic content to media corporations depending on their characteristics and their needs. We have not reinvented journalism but we get back the classic news hounding aiming to take advantage of the news interest that Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain enjoy nowadays, in order to help journalism to get over the actual crisis. To fulfill this goal we base our work in good real and well-told stories because we trust in good content as the only way to seduce the audience in every single journalistic dimension.

Follow our blog: BCN Fashion Place


We offer journalistic content to media corporations depending on their characteristics and their needs. We have not reinvented journalism but we get back the classic news hounding aiming to take advantage of the news interest that Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain enjoy nowadays, in order to help journalism to get over the actual crisis. To fulfill this goal we base our work in good real and well-told stories because we trust in good content as the only way to seduce the audience in every single journalistic dimension. 


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